The purpose of the book
This book is made with the help of many artisan volunteers.
Native translators were also happy to volunteer.
I hope this book, written in English and Japanese, will help you understand Japan!
Hyogushi / Fumio Nakajima
表具師 / 中島文雄
Roji gardener / Masayuki Ogawa
露地庭師 / 小河正行
Tiler / Prof. Masahisa Asada
瓦 職 / 浅田晶久
Textiles (komeori) / Junko Ebigase
織 物 / 海老ヶ瀬順子
Kakejiku and Byobu / Kashu Yabuta
掛軸と屏風 / 薮田夏秋
Sakan (Plasterer) / Tetsuya Hagino
左 官 / 萩野哲也
Tatami master / Hiroshi Motoyama
畳 士 / 本山浩史
No mask carver / Nyozan Umehara
能面師 / 梅原如山
Japanese embroidery / Yuri Nishimura
日本刺繍 / 西村由利
Kumihimo / Oshun Hasegawa
組 紐 / 長谷川往春
Wagashi (Japanese confection) / Hironori Takaya
和菓子 / 高家裕典
Tofu shop / Takemi & Megumi Tsutsumi
豆腐屋 / 堤武美・恵
Washoku (Japanese cuisine) / Masayuki Horimoto 和 食 / 堀本雅之
Cloisonne / Hiromi Nomura
七宝焼き / 野村ひろみ
Yuzen sculptor / Takeshi Nishimura
友禅彫刻 / 西村武志
Edokiriko (glass ware) / Kenji & Yuji Kadowaki
江戸切子 / 門脇健二・裕二
Hand-painted Yuzen dyeing / Kihachi Tabata
手描き友禅染 / 田畑喜八
Washi (Japanese paper) / Eriko Horiki
手漉き和紙 / 堀木エリ子
Bekko Isogai (tortoiseshell)/ Minoru,Tsuyoshi, Katsumi, Daisuke Isogai
ベッ甲/磯貝 實・克実・剛・大輔
Handmade tea can / Takahiro Yagi
手づくり茶筒 / 八木隆裕
ポームページの趣旨 Aim of the homepage
日本の長い歴史の中で、縄文時代(紀元前13000年頃~紀元前2300年頃)遺跡は世界遺産に登録され、柵も武器もない平和な時代だったことがわかりました。平安時代 (794-1185) と江戸時代 (1600-1868) も、争いのない安定した時代でした。
In the long history of Japan, the Jomon period (around 13000 BC to around 2300 BC)
The ruins have been registered as a World Heritage Site, and I have come to understand that it was a peaceful era without fences and weapons.The Heian period (794-1185) and the Edo period (1600-1868) were also periods of stability without conflict.
In recent years, world affairs have rekindled conflict. Japan has had a period of conflict, but it has also had three periods of peace that are rare in the world. There may be hints of such times, so let's learn about Japan and Japanese culture together through this site so that the global environment will move in a gentle direction.
All these books are made by volunteers. Proceeds from the sale of the book will be donated to the Natural Disaster Fund through Honen-in Temple.